About the Busy B Herself:
Hi there, I’m Becky Andrews, owner of Busy B’s. I started up Busy B’s Landscape Care in the spring of 2020 as a one-woman-company. Over the past few years, I’ve grown into a team with two full time assistants. I specialize in landscape maintenance, landscape rejuvenation, plant health care and eco-friendly landscaping. I meet with every client and am onsite with my crew for every job. Here’s a little background on me:
Thanks to my grandmother and her Bleeding Hearts, I have always had a fascination with plants. From a young age, I have loved gardening and growing vegetables. Once I graduated high school, it was easy to figure out that I wanted go to school for something plant related.
While working on my biology degree, I became a work study for the landscape and grounds department at Edgewood College in Madison. By my senior year, I became the lead student worker and was responsible for training new student workers on weeding, pruning, mulching, equipment handling and responsible chemical use. Between this and with my studies in environmental issues, my passion for plants grew along with my appreciation for the natural world. I graduated in 2010 with a bachelor’s degree in biology and a high appreciation for environmental stewardship.
After an internship with Disney World in Florida, I was offered a position in the spring of 2011 with a small family horticultural firm. In just eight short years, the company grew from just me and two other employees to over 15 employees during the busy season. My role quickly changed from a chemical applicator and tree crew assistant to manager. I was in charge of running several crews at a time, ranging in work consisting of tree pruning, chemical applications, landscape maintenance, landscape makeovers, hardscaping and more. I also became an ISA certified arborist. I also took on sales and was responsible for all the landscape design, makeovers and maintenance. Despite the demanding work load, I really loved my coworkers and clients. And best of all, everything I did revolved around plants!
Then the COVID-19 pandemic changed everything. I lost my childcare, it was undetermined whether or not landscaping was essential, and despite all this, I was still expected to work an even more demanding work load then ever before. I decided it was time for a change and started my own business.
Even though it was scary at first, starting Busy B’s Landscape Care is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I am able to provide the one-on-one care I believe is necessary with my clients that I missed out on at my former workplace. I also am able to practice the environmental stewardship that I value more so than ever before. Now that Busy B’s is well established, I’m am sharing my ethics and high standards with my team, to provide even more services.
Education and Certifications
- 2010 – B.S. Biology – Edgewood College
- 2011 – Chemical Applicator’s Certification and License (renewed in 2016 and 2021)
- 2014 – ISA Arborist Certification – WI 1036A
- Member of International Society of Arboriculture (ISA)
- Member of Wisconsin Arborist Association (WAA)
- Member of the Wisconsin Hardy Plant Society